Colibri will customize your camera setup, integrate your imaging devices, provide or teach recording and editing services, create AI annotations/video-briefs relevant to your core messaging and provide an eLearning library/App for your content distribution.
Experience the power of visual communications.
The most difficult environment to capture videos in are surgeries. Hands, heads, and equipment frequently compete for the view into the surgical cavity. This is why Colibri records from multiple camera angles to assure the editor always has a clear line of sight from which to choose.
Contracting services -Phases
Phase One – Contracted services includes design engineering and implementation planning along with a traditional delivery system for networking, hardware placement and installation. There are coordinated actions required with clinic’s network and building managers.
Phase Two – System buy-in and training. It is important that surgeons and staff are aware of the system’s’ capabilities and limitations to effect excellent video capture. Operating rooms are dynamic environments and certain awareness/chorography will greatly improve the video’s successes.
Phase Three – Recording and Editing videos of multiple streams is a learned skill. Colibri will provide both contract services for recording and editing and/or will teach staff to do so. Colibri will provide full recording and editing services at no cost for the first two recorded events.
Phase Four – Your video eLearning library/catalog/App will host your clinic’s brand and content. We will provide guidance and training on how to successfully market your catalog to referring peers, patients and onto social medias.
Phase Five – In development, Colibri will soon expand the catalog platform to include the streaming, recording and sale of CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT Services for professional education certifications.
- Provide design, networking and camera hardware, and installation.
- Train on the system use to stream/record events.
- Provide editing services or training to integrate multiple synchronized camera recordings/files into one single video.
- Create AI- Briefs relevant to the core messaging of each of your events.
- Cloud host your eLearning catalog/App.
- Provide services or train on Catalog management including but not limited to content additions or deletions, which content is open-to-all or controlled by log-in, ect.